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Last Updated: 2011/2/25
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday,  February 22, 2011. Vice-Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, James Juliano, Joseph Whelan, Roger Letso. Absent: Robert Mitchell, Joseph Girgasky, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representatives Mark Schweitzer and Chuck , Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos and representatives Richard Kirby and John Chipko, Board of Ed Director of Grounds Gino Faiella, Board of Ed member David Nanavaty.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the regular meeting of  January 25, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Animal Control Facility. Mr. Hurley presented to Mr. Whelan a site plan and other information on the proposed facility. The proposed site is on the same site as the proposed dog park. Baybutt Construction has been selected as the construction manager for the project. The cost is estimated to be approximately $1 million, $250,000 raised by volunteers and $750,000 from the Town. The facility would be a 3,500 square foot building. Public Works Department will spearhead the project. Design completion is projected to be completed by April with construction completed by September or October. The contracts will be with the town so that Baybutt will not be a construction manager at risk. Mr. Hurley said that we are looking at photovoltaic for the project, but this may be cost prohibitive.   ~~~~~~

High School Expansion Project.

Mr. Schweitzer that the new film studio area, move in should be mid March. Art music and ensemble area, paint ceiling next week. New nurse and faculty lounge area, mason will erect walls this week.

Punch list time frame. Clamps are the only large item open. Punch list 90% complete in the new area. Mr. Knight said that there are some unforeseen minor items to be taken care of by someone else other than the electrician.

Greenhouse status. Morganti will ship the numbers to Fletcher Thompson for their approval. Bottom line is $217,000 with alternates without the foundation which is $42,000.

CMC Steel Fabricators d/b/a/ CMC Joist & Deck, has put the Town of Newtown on notice that they are suing the Town for nonpayment of invoices. It is noted that they are a subcontractor of Steeltech. Mr. Schweitzer has advised that Morganti has paid all Steeltech invoices in full.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Morganti Application #20 in the amount of $436,425.80.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Whelan seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #17218 in the amount of $10,250.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoice. ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. All were in favor.

Comalex invoices #19729 for $6,056.00 and #19745 for $821.90 for cash registers for the cafeteria. Tabled.

Real Integrated Systems invoices #4254 for $4,964.30 and #4265 for $1,832.60 for work stations for the teachers’ rooms. Mr. Mitchell would not approve these invoices. Mr. Knight had approved them because the work had to be done immediately. Tabled.

Change Orders:

Change Order #76 for $2,451.82 for additional exit signs per the Fire Marshal’s site visit in Area C on December 17. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.  

Change Order #71 for $27,911.59 for the pool retaining wall. Mr. D’Angelo recommended payment, second by Mr. Whelan and unanimously carried.

Change Order #72 for $13,319.11 for eleven (11) motion sensors plus power packs requested by the Fire Marshal.

Change Order #73 for $13,617.35 for two (2) lobby additional exit signs requested by the Fire Marshal.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of Changes Orders 72 and 73. Second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

Change Order #74 for $3,890.84 for change in fastener in veneer panel, for a stair hand rail for the lobby staircase and for stiffeners in the screening.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. Mr. Edwards moved to amend to include Change Order #75 for $12,360.72  to realign entry drive and Change Order #76 for $2,451.82 for additional signs in Area C, lower level locker areas, both Change Orders requested by the Fire Marshal.Second by Mr. Whelan and unanimously carried.  

Mr. Costa requested approval to purchase MIDI stations for $60,021.00 out of the FF&E budget. This request was rejected by the Commission previously because it was not known which budget the items would be purchased from and whether funds were available in Contingency to cover the costs.

Mr. Whelan moved to approve purchase of the MIDI stations totaling $60,021.00 from the FF&E budget pending verification by  Financial Director Bob Tait that funds are available in the Contingency Account. Second by Mr. D’Angelo. YES (Letso, D’Angelo, Juliano, Catalina, Whelan). NO (Edwards). Motion carried.

Middle School Roof. Mr. Boos distributed “Newtown Middle School Roof Project Schedule 2.1.2011” (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Kirby discussed the present status of the design of the project. The existing roof would not support additional loading. Mr. Boos said that photovoltaic design cannot be completed until the Commission has decided whether it wants the air conditioning boxes on the roof as the boxes could throw shadows on the panels. He said it is also not known if there will be funding from the Clean Energy Fund. He said that the photovoltaic component cannot be bid as part of the roof project. It would have to be a separate project and thus may not be eligible for state reimbursement for years.  A fence could be put on the roof to prevent access. Or the pipe that is used for access could be relocated from the outside to the inside of the building. Synthetic slate shingles would cost $30,000 more than the shingle roof and should be bid as an alternate.  

Mr. D’Angelo authorize moved to Kaestle Boos to accept the modified Cost Estimate Newtown M.S. Roof 2.22.1 (Attachment B). Second by Mr. Letso and unanimously carried. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Catalina will meet with Kaestle Boos on a weekly basis.

Application for payment:
Kaestle Boos invoice #1 in the amount of $15,000.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend approval second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.
Unfinished Business

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. A special meeting will be scheduled to discuss this item.

New Business

Election of Officers. Tabled until next month.

The next meeting will be on March 22, 2011.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:30  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk